Why Submit Here

Reading Deals stands at the point of connection between ravenous readers and amazing authors. Our approach is to create an amazing experience for readers by offering a streamlined system that helps readers to find and consume the books they want, from the genres they desire, at prices they love. At the same time, we love authors and publishers and have created a simple, but effective promotion vehicle.
Why should you share your books with our readers?
We understand the pain and struggle of what it takes authors to find, grow and cultivate their readership base. So, while you build your own platform and list you can leverage the work we are doing and have done to assemble a very hungry crowd of readers, that want to know about your book promotion!
When should you share your books with our readers?
Whether this is your first book or 100th title on the bestseller lists, promoting your book at Reading Deals gives you access to targeted readers. We give our users (your future readers) the option to choose what genres they get in their email inbox, sending highly targeted and interested readers to see your books. Please try to give us 1-2 weeks notice, so we can properly review your book.
How do you share my book with our readers?
We provide an easy-to-use submission form for each of our submission options.
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