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DMZ: This is the Future of War by FX Holden ebook deal
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DMZ: This is the Future of War

By: FX Holden

Can a single ordinary person change the course of history?
The Future War series takes on one of the most likely superpower confrontations of coming years. As a nuclear weapon is detonated over South Korean territory in the Sea of Japan, six protagonists hold the fate of the Korean Peninsula in their hands. Their decisions could see North and South Korea reunited at last, or send the world spiraling into nuclear armageddon.

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Book Description

Can a single ordinary person change the course of history?

The Future War series takes on one of the most likely superpower confrontations of coming years. As a nuclear weapon is detonated over South Korean territory in the Sea of Japan, six protagonists hold the fate of the Korean Peninsula in their hands. Their decisions could see North and South Korea reunited at last, or send the world spiraling into nuclear armageddon.

"From the very first page, we are thrown into action that puts us shoulder to shoulder with the characters in trying to discern who is friend or foe. And when the roles shift, we’re all trying to stay alive until we sort it out... The stakes feel genuine, and no victory comes without our heroes making enormous sacrifices...This is the series for readers who enjoy intelligent fiction that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Very highly recommended. A rock shock of a ride and I loved being here for every page of it!" USA Readers' Favorite.

As the North and South Korean leaders sit down to ink a new Peace Accord at Panmujom Peace Village, aggressor pilot, Lieutenant Karen 'Bunny' O'Hare is training South Korean pilots to fight against unmanned combat aircraft. Her unit is pulled into the new front line as North Korean fighters sweep in over the DMZ and bomb Panmunjom. Bunny's life hangs in the balance as events on the Korean Peninsula spin out of control.

In the Sea of Japan, commander of the fast expeditionary transport USS Cody, Lieutenant O'Shea Lomax, is headed out to rendezvous with an autonomous anti-submarine warfare vessel that has just set the record for the longest fully autonomous sea voyage by a US Navy warship. But no sooner is the rendezvous complete than Cody and its crew are witness to a North Korean nuclear attack at sea. The USS Cody is the wrong ship, in the wrong place, at exactly the wrong time, but can Cody and its drone find the North Korean submarine that fired the missiles, before it strikes again?

As the missiles fly, US Navy Chief Petty Officer, Ryan Kronk, is shot down over the DMZ and finds himself inside enemy territory with a North Korean patrol in pursuit. But accompanying Kronk's flight was a Shikaka White Bat drone - probably the most potent airborne weapons platform in the entire theater. If he can only work out how to fly it.

in the cockpit of his South Korean Boromae fighter, Lieutenant Hee-chan "Bounce” Son, prepares to undertake what will probably be the last mission of his career: an attack deep inside North Korean airspace, to plunge a bunker-busting bomb into the heart of the mountain that hides North Korea's nuclear weapons storage facility. He can't destroy it, but he's willing to give his life, just to buy his country even a few days breathing space to stave off nuclear destruction.

In the South Korean administrative capital of Sejong City, Special Agent Helen Lee of the Sth. Korean Presidential Security Service realizes that the protection detail she has been assigned to has a fanatical loyalty to their team leader and their protectee. But are what about their loyalty to the goal of Korean reunification?

And, at a secret location south of the DMZ, North Korean Guards Command detail leader, Captain Jong-chon Ri, has to fight off an attempt to assassinate his protectee, the Supreme Leader of North Korea. But when the force attacking him comprises both South AND North Korean troops, his first task is to work out who is friend, and who is foe. The answer to that question could determine the future of the entire Korean Peninsula.

Told through the eyes of ordinary men and women on both sides of a global conflagration, DMZ is an epic tale that shows how rocky the path to peace on the Korean Peninsula will be.

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