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Resilient Living: Build Inner Strength To Master Life’s Challenges With Confidence And Courage by Marquita Herald ebook deal
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Nonfiction & How-To

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Resilient Living: Build Inner Strength To Master Life’s Challenges With Confidence And Courage

By: Marquita Herald

Resilient living is a lifestyle choice. It's accepting the power you have to create the quality of your own life by remaining open to the opportunities in all of our experiences, minimizing the effects of change, and enjoying greater inner peace, confidence and fulfillment.

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Book Description

Unexpected trials will always be a part of life … a lost set of keys, the stress of a botched work assignment, or the heartache of a full-blown health or relationship crisis. But what if you could identify and develop the skills that would empower you to minimize the effects of adversity and avoid getting sidetracked? What if you could even learn to use these experiences to your advantage, in the process creating a stronger more fulfilling life?

Think about this … how it is that two people can be faced with the same crisis and while one becomes hopelessly mired in a web of negativity and feelings of helplessness, the other is able to overcome adversity and bounce back stronger than ever?

Emotional Resilience is the Answer

When we make the choice to not be defined by adversity, to look at all experiences as stepping stones for growth and greater long-term resilience, we are able to approach life on a whole new level, and in the process realign ourselves with what is really important in our lives.

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